Grigory Avdyushin

Setup RetroArch on Raspberry Pi

Requirements: Raspberry Pi 4 SD card with Raspbian Another Linux (virtual) desktop to use GParted Once raspbian image installed it’s good to shrink root partition and extract another one ...

Setup Lakka on Raspberry Pi

Lakka configuration Connect Ethernet cable or connect to WiFi from GUI. Turn on SSH in Services Static IP Connect via ssh: ssh root@lakka.local Edit WiFi settings: $ vi /storage/.cache...

Setup EDuke32 on macOS

EDuke32 Configuration Check list to run EDuke32 on macOS with HRP (High Resolution Pack): Get EDuke32 and launch for the first time to generate default config files Check logs here: ~/Librar...

Swift keypaths

Extending Sequence to have method that calculates sum: extension Sequence where Element: AdditiveArithmetic { func sum() -> Element { reduce(.zero, +) } } This sum() available for any seq...

Cycling power calculation

The physics behind cycling To move forward with constant speed \(V\) you have to provide energy (power) to overcome total resistive force: [P = F_r \cdot V = ( F_{downhill} + F_{rolling} + F_{dr...

Using XML and XSLT for code generation

XML files can be transformed into different one using XSL templates. The result of applying template could be another XML, HTML, text or any document. Input XML As an example we will be using XML...

Building Split View in SwiftUI

Introduction SwiftUI in Playground Xcode’s Playground templates unfortunately has none of them for SwiftUI. For now we can create a new Blank Playground project and add boilerplate code: import ...

Building Swift DI using Property Wrappers

Dependency Injection using Swift Property Wrappers Note: Code tested using Swift 5.2.2 and Xcode 11.4.1 Dependency Injection Dependency Injection (DI) helps us to separate creation and usage of ...

Setup Samba on Raspberry Pi and FMCB on PS2

Running PS2 games over network from USB drive connected to Raspberry Pi Setup USB Flash Drive Setup Raspberry Pi Setup FMCB USB Storage Put games you own into DVD directory. (Or into CD ...

Disk Utility on macOS

Disk Utility in Terminal List available volumes: $ diskutil list [...] /dev/disk2 (internal, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: FD...